The process begins with a call or email to set up your alcohol or drug assessment. When you schedule your appointment, you will be given information to set up a confidential online account, which will allow you to access information securely and at your convenience. Once your account is set up, you will be able to complete several assessments online, from the setting of your choice, prior to your appointment. These assessments include a chemical use history, an alcohol and drug questionnaire, and assessments for symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Once your assessments are complete, they are reviewed prior to your alcohol and drug assessment. Your face-to-face appointment will be an interview lasting 1 1/2 to 2 hours. During this time any questions regarding the information you submitted will be clarified, and we will further explore the context of your alcohol and drug use, as well as the impact it has had on your life.
At the completion of your alcohol and drug assessment, you will be asked to complete a release of information for 1-2 people that can provide further information about your alcohol and drug use. These people will be contacted, typically within 24 hours, and asked to provide collateral information. To ensure that this step is completed in a timely manner, please come to your alcohol and drug assessment prepared with their full name, address, phone number, and best time to be contacted.
After information is gathered from your collateral contacts, it is reviewed along with all of the other information gathered from your online assessments and face-to-face assessment. Based on what is learned, recommendations are made, if appropriate, to address any concerns related to your alcohol and drug use.
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